Thursday, November 21, 2013

Queen Liliuokalani is a Rebel

Queen Liliuokalani is a Rebel
Right now a major issue that this country is dealing with is the annexation of Hawaii. As we are getting ready to  Annex Hawaii we must remember that Queen Liliuokalani is a dangerous Woman

If you look into her eyes you can see the anger brewing.

She is clearly a huge threat and needs to be removed from the throne this instant. But do not fear our great President McKinley is here to save us from this vicious monster (don’t look her in the eyes). Clearly she is a danger to the American public and needs to be taken down. Plus our interaction there is greatly sought after by the Hawaiian natives. I’m sure they would love to see their land invaded by a foreign power. Also we kind of need the resources from them and they need the protection against their nemesis, closed toed shoes. Essentially what I’m trying to say is that they need a new leader, and the best leader for them, is us.

Interview with Queen Liliuokalani

Q: Hi Ms. Liliuokalani, For those of you who don’t know Ms. Liliuokalani she is the Queen of Hawaii during this hard time. As you all know Hawaii is on the verge of being annexed, which is why I am interviewing Ms. Liliuokalani about her feelings. But first let’s get started with your background. Where were you born and can you just give us a general background?

A: Yes, Thank you for the introduction Mr. I was born on the island of  Honolulu to high chief Kapaakea and the chiefess Keohokalole, as the third of ten children. I was adopted at birth by Abner Paki and my mom Konia. I was then enrolled in Royal School. There I became fluent in English and was influenced by Congregational missionaries. I also became part of the royal circle attending Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma.

Q: How did you become the queen in the first place?

A: Through a series of events in which my  brother and father died.

Q: can you give me some background as to why the US wants to annex Hawaii?

A: Well It all started when I created a new constitution for our republic. This angered the United States and they sent in their own constitutional government to take over. They sent in an army and set up an embassy with its own constitutional government and kicked me off of my throne.

Q: How did you feel about this and the more recent Annexation.

A: Well at first I was bitter and they even offered me my throne back. I considered not taking it on the notion that I would have to maintain peace with the US but eventually my people needed me to defend them so I took the throne once again.

Q: well what about the annexation

A: I absolutely hated it at first and got arrested for hiding a weapons cache just in case of a rebellion or takeover. Eventually I was released a year later. By that time I had no power and all I seek to do after this recent act of Annexation is to relax and be more of a spiritual and moral leader.

Q: well thanks I think that’s all the time we have for today.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Political Cartoons... 

by Brianna Bryan 

The US Sailors and Marines were prepared to battle the Hawaiians in a war to win their territory.... 

But it was very unexpected that Queen Liliuokalani would surrender to the United States to avoid the bloodshed of her people. 

Hawaii- Island of Discovery and Adventure

Come Visit the island of your dreams, and Create an Adventure to Remember!

Treat yourself by spending time to Relax... 
...and Rejuvenate.
Explore the Beauty the Island has to Offer.
Spend the Day Swimmingly! 
We Welcome You... 

Visit now to make reservations! 

The Annexation of Hawaii by the U.S.

The Annexation of Hawaii by the U.S. 

A little history... 

It seemed like just another tropical day on the pretty island of Hawaii... but little did the surfer dudes and hula dancers know they were in for the biggest shock of their lives.
In 1893, sailors and marines arrived surrounding Queen Liliuokalani's island where she lived peacefully in her palace.  Haoles, or white foreigners planning to overthrow her monarchy prepared for a bloody battle between themselves and the Hawaiians in order to gain their territory.  However, although this was illegal on the United State's behalf, the Queen shockingly surrendered to the U.S. in order to avoid a bloodshed and trust in the U.S. government and to allow them to restore sovereignty with it's new Pacific power.

In her own words...
"I, Liliuokalani, ... do hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done against myself and the constitutional government of the Hawaiian Kingdom... Now, to avoid any collision of armed forces and perhaps the loss of life, I do under this protest... yield my authority until such time as the Government of the United States shall... undo the action of its representatives and reinstate me in the authority which I claim as the constitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian islands."

However, the Queen still maintained her superiority and power with her own people, whom respected her still as their former leader.  Queen Liliuokalani also stated that if she ever restored to power, she would behead those who had conspired to depose her.
September 2, 1838- November 11, 1917 (Age 79)